
Chicago Blues A Living History

『Chicago Blues A Living History』 (Raisin' Music RM1003)
Disc 1
1. Billy Boy Arnold - My Little Machine
2. Billy Boy Arnold - She's Love Crazy
3. Billy Boy Arnold - Night Watchman Blues
4. Johnny Iguana - Chicago Breakdown
5. John Primer - Feel Like Going Home
6. Lurrie Bell - I Believe
7. John Primer - Moanin' At Midnight
8. Mike Avery - Three O'clock Blues
9. Billy Boy Arnold - Memphis Slim USA
10. Billy Branch - Hate To See You Go
Disc 2
11. John Primer - Sugar Sweet
12. John Primer - Can't Stand To See You Go
13. Billy Boy Arnold - I Wish You Would
14. John Primer - Your Imagination
15. Lurrie Bell - My Love Will Never Die
16. Billy Branch - Hoodoo Man Blues
17. Billy Flynn - Hooking It
18. Mike Avery - Out Of Bad Luck
19. Billy Branch - One More Mile
20. Carlos Johnson - The Healer
21. Lurrie Bell - Damn Right, I've Got The Blues

現在のシカゴ・ブルースの第一線で活躍しているBilly Boy Arnold、John Primer、Billy Branch、Lurrie Bellを中心にして、
Billy Flynn - Guitar
Matthew Skoller - harmonica
Johnny Iguana - Keyboards
Felton Crews - bass
Kenny "Beedy-Eyes" Smith - drums
ベタなシカゴ・ブルースの新録は、正直言って遠慮しとこうかなと思ったのですが、あまりの豪華さについついと..... しかし、聴くとやっぱいいね。不朽のサウンドだよ。

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